hotelovernachting in Utrecht in de buurt van de Jaarbeurs

Book your hotel stay in Utrecht near Royal Jaarbeurs

Find your hotel near Royal Jaarbeurs

Book your hotel in Utrecht via Time to Momo

Would you like to spend the night nearby the Royal Jaarbeurs event venue? Book via our Jaarbeurs hotel map

Royal Jaarbeurs has partnered with Time to Momo to create a special hotel map of Utrecht. This map displays all hotels that are participating with Jaarbeurs to house visitors like you, as well as the event venue.
It was a conscious decision to partner with Time to Momo, the hotel booking site that treats everyone decently – they offer you trustworthy information and a pleasant online experience, and fair commissions for hotel owners. Something we fully support.

hotelovernachting in Utrecht in de buurt van de Jaarbeurs?
Boek je verblijf nabij Koninklijke Jaarbeurs in Utrecht via onze partner Time to Momo


Need help or have questions about your booking? Please contact Time to Momo at

About Time to Momo

Time to Momo is the decent alternative to the large hotel booking sites. You won’t be rushed by pop-ups saying ‘there’s only one room left!’, but instead you get a practical city map showing hotels and hotspots in the city you are going to.

Boek je hotel nabij Koninklijke Jaarbeurs in Utrecht via onze partner Time to Momo