Future Tech


Expect the best national & international speakers delivering quality content about the hottest IT topics, of course with the overall theme: .NET & Microsoft technologies.

Media Plaza

Future Tech is the technology conference for developers, architects and experts to discuss and dive deep into C#, .NET & Microsoft technologies such as .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, Azure and more. In 2019 we had our first in-person conference, in 2020 we had the Future Tech Masterclasses Live and in 2021 went digital! But in 2022 we went in-person again! And in 2023 we took it to the next level.

Our attendees will encounter tested and new possibilities of improving and speeding up development, implementation and management on a big scale for applications.

The main goal of Future Tech is to share all available knowledge, ideas and know-how concerning the newest (Microsoft/.NET/C#) technologies and innovations with a focus on DevOps, Cloud, Emerging Technologies, Non-Technical Skills & Security.