Beatrixgebouw Utrecht Jaarbeurs vlaggen

Beatrix building Jaarbeurs

Welcome to the Beatrix building

The Beatrix building is the central building of Royal Jaarbeurs, right next to Utrecht Central Station. Our reception staff is ready to help you!

Next to the reception, you will find the central check room for the Beatrix Theatre. You can also reach the Beatrix Theatre and all its halls via the main theatre entrance.

Furthermore, on the ground floor you will find the Expo Room (exposition hall) and the Jaarbeurs Studio.

From the central hall you can reach our restaurant Pleyn for delicious dishes.   

In the Beatrix building: 

Beatrixgebouw Utrecht Jaarbeurs vlaggen

Reaching the Beatrix building

You can visit Jaarbeurs in different ways. Given its location right next to Utrecht Central Station (only 30 minutes from Schiphol airport), the easiest and most sustainable option is to come by public transport or bicycle. The train, bus and streetcar stop right near Jaarbeurs.

It is also possible to park at Jaarbeurs on one of the parking lots on our own grounds or in Utrecht. We also have adapted parking spaces. 


Find the perfect venue for your event

Beatrix Theater